Before I Go Berserk, Hon: Tumultuous Love Letters, Comfort Women with VD, and 4 Ton Wreckers
Kathy and Christine started a 12-part series of some of their favorite Jack Cavazzi love letters.
Christine posted six of her favorites. Now, here are Kathy's.

Letter 12 in a series of 12.
May 20, 1953
Songwhan, Korea
My Dearest Anne,
Hello Darling. How are you and Richie today? I hope he is eating better.
Before I forget I want to tell you about a dream I had last nite. In this dream, you thought that I was fooling around with these women over here so you started going out with this man. It took place in a night club and you were doing a strip-tease to get even with me. Crazy isn’t it? Anyway, I tried to explain that I had been faithful but you wouldn’t have anything to do with me. I woke up before it ended so I don’t know if we got things straightened out. And do you know that that dream has bothered me. I keep seeing you with someone else. What makes me think like that? I know that you aren’t fooling around but I keep worrying about it. I think I am going crazy. I can’t stand this life. I miss you so much it is killing me. I need you Darling. I know that my happiness depends on you. I could never live without you Anne. Please keep loving me. Be good for me. You are the only thing that I live for.
I only wish I could put into words the way I feel about you. It is something that can only be felt when I think of holding you or kissing you. I can almost feel you next to me. I get a feeling that I can’t explain. I kind of feel nervous all over. I know that when I come home and have you again that I will be the happiest man in the world.
Honey, try not to miss writing me every day. I am only getting 3 or 4 letters a week from you. I didn’t write last nite because I am doing 2 hours of hard labor every nite for a week. I missed reveille one day and got company punishment. I had a fight with the motor sergeant and they almost pulled my license. If it weren’t for you and the baby I would probably be in the stockade right now. I hate this place. I can’t stand it Anne. I don’t know if I can take it much longer. If I only had you to talk to.
Well Dear, I have to go dig my ditch.
I love you and always will.
All my Love Always
P.S. Hello Son