September 12, 1950. South Korean WACs trained and ready to join their men in the battle against Chinese invaade through Pusan, main United Nations’ fort city in Korea

October of 1950. Paratroopers drop from U.S. Air Force C-119 transport planes during an operation over an undisclosed location in Korea.

December 21, 1950. Korean refugees board a vessel in Hungnam harbor, North Korea, as they flee the advancing Chinese Communists and North Koreans.

January 27, 1951. Yangji, Korea. A Korean civilian shot and left to die by retreating Communists during the Korean War. They bound his hands and left him a breathing hole
in the snow.

April 7, 1951, Korea. Tank and crew members stranded in river bed dip as they attempted to find a shallow crossing in the swollen Pukhan river. The tank was later towed to safety by a tank retriever.

1951. Wonsan, North Korea. Para-demolition bombs drop from the Fifth Air Force’s B-26 Invader light bombers and explode on supply warehouses and dock facilities at this east coast port.

January 16, 1952. Somewhere in Korea. Marines from the 1st Marine Tank Battalion fire a night mission at supply installations.

December 18, 1952. Korea. Pfc. Milton Reince of Green Bay, Wisconsin, adds a picture to his bunker wall of pinups.

June 18, 1953. GIs and Korean service corpsmen stack empty artillery and mortar shell casings at a collecting point near the front, revealing the huge amount of lead thrown at the enemy in four days of fighting for outpost Harry.

July 29, 1953. Returning from a combat mission over North Korea, three jubilant fliers of the 18th Fighter Bomber wing let the world know how they feel after learning of the armistice signing that day. Left to right are: 2nd Lt. John Putty, Dallas, Tex.; 1st Lt. James A. Boucek, Ottawa, Kansas,: and 1st Lt. Richard D. Westcott, Houston, Tex., waving from the back seat of the jeep.

South Korean women weep as they listen to President Syngman Rhee speak at a memorial service in Seoul, October 17, 1953. The service honored the 33,964 South Koreans killed in the last year of the war.
Photos courtesy of rarehistoricalphotos.com
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