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When You Fall In Love With A Soldier Forever

Chris Stevens DeLorenzo


(Army combat uniforms.)

By Emily Richeson Sep 03, 2017 Austin Peay State University

When you fall in love with a soldier, you fall in love with your country.

When you fall in love with a soldier, you force yourself to learn military time and realize that it's what real time is now.

When you fall in love with a soldier, you get butterflies every single day when they put on that uniform (ladies can I get an amen, please?).

When you fall in love with a soldier, you cry more than you ever have. You cry each time they're gone and each time you go without communication for long periods of time.

When you fall in love with a soldier, nothing is set in stone on your end. Plans can and will change at the drop of a hat and planning ahead is impossible.

When you fall in love with a soldier, you fall in love with someone who can be taken for months with one day of notice.

When you fall in love with a soldier, you don't marry a spouse, you marry the military.

Though all that is true, so is when you fall in love with a soldier, you've found the best there is.

When you fall in love with a soldier, you've found someone who not only loves you more than his own life but loves his country more than his own life as well.

When you fall in love with a soldier, a kiss is worth a million dollars, and no expensive gift can compare.

When you fall in love with a soldier, you've fallen in love with someone who appreciates having a bed, running water and warm food.

When you fall in love with a soldier, you've fallen in love with not who you've prayed for, but someone so much more.

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