Before I Go Berserk, Hon: Tumultuous Love Letters, Comfort Women with VD, and 4 Ton Wreckers
Kathy and Christine started a 12-part series of some of their favorite Jack Cavazzi love letters.
Each week they will post a letter for their readers and fans.
Last week, Christine posted the first of her six letters. Then Kathy will post hers.
Christine will tell you, “Jack’s letters are not your typical sweet sheets. What newlywed tells his young wife about the prostitutes across the road? The rampant venereal disease among the soldiers? Can be hot and bothered by Anne’s love in one paragraph, and in the next lace into her like a jealous, frustrated lover? Jack Cavazzi! And, boy, does he have a way with words. This is love letter history – and an emotional romance story – that hooked me from the get-go.”
We hope you enjoy Jack’s letters and look forward to your feedback and comments.
Letter 2 in a series of 12.
As you will see, Jack doesn't get to finish his May 4th letter to Anne. And, so, his thoughts span three days.
May 4, 1953
Songwhan, Korea
My Dearest Anne,
I’m writing this letter with my brand new Parker “51” pen. I bought a set today. I paid $16. For it and the label said that it cost 30 some dollars in the states. The pen writes like a dream but it doesn’t improve my writing any.
I put 3 more rolls of film in the shop today. That’s 58 more pictures. You will have a library of snapshots before I get home. I hope these come out better than the first ones. We couldn’t figure out how to work the camera at first but I think I understand now.
Well let’s get back to the big mystery. Are you or are you not going to have a baby? No kidding hon, I wish I’d hear something. I thought for sure that I’d hear something today. I bought the cigars and all. The way I figure it, you must have had the baby already.
I got your mother’s letters today. I was surprised to hear from her. What is this sudden craze for canasta? I guess it took the place of monopoly.
Anne if you feel the same was as I do you must be in sad shape. I miss you so much that I just feel useless. I can’t seem to straighten out. I know I love you with all my heart Anne. I know that no other woman could ever make me feel the way I do about you. I am really scared hon, because I know my life and happiness depends on you.
I broke a spring on my truck so I can’t work for a couple of days.
One of the boys got killed this morning. A tank ran over him. They picked him up with a towel. Boy what a mess. He was riding on top of the tank when it hit a ditch. He fell off in front of it and couldn’t get off in time.
Honey, there just isn’t anything to write about. This place is so dead that if a 13 year old girl walks down the road the guys go nuts.
May 5, 1953
Songwhan, Korea
Hello Darling.
Well babe, one more day has gone by. One more day closer to you. They can’t go by fast enough. I thought about you all day. I didn’t work again today. My truck still isn’t fixed. I had guard last night so I didn’t get a chance to finish this letter. I am as nervous as a cat. I know you must have had the baby by now and I want to know why the hell I haven’t heard about it. These bums must not be able to find me. I don’t know what to do. You know I worry about you. This is a new experience for the both of us, and you especially. I want to know if you and the baby are all right.
By the way, remind Bob to answer my letter. I didn’t get a letter from you today. I get one about every other day. Every now and then I get one that was written back in March.
May 6, 1953
Songwhan, Korea
Good Morning Dear!
I don’t think I’ll ever finish this letter. I am going to write a few lines now and then. I will write again tonight. I am down at the water hole helping Lese wash his truck. Mine still isn’t fixed.
It is starting to get hot as heck around here. It was about 80 here yesterday. Last night it was about 30 so you can see how the temperature changes. Worse than a woman.
They took about 50 prostitutes away yesterday to give them a V.D. check. They came up from Haeundae the other day. Honey, please believe me when I tell you that I am not fooling around with any of them. They walk around half naked and I don’t even look twice. No kidding. I love you and nobody else excites me.
Bye for now, see you tonight.
All my Love Forever
P.S. Miss me? OH YES! NEW A.P.O. – 971
May 6, 1953
Songwhan, Korea
My Dearest Anne,
Hello Darling. I told you that I would write tonight. Guess what! We bought a radio. It’s a nice job. A Zenith. The only trouble is, we can’t get anything but Korean music. We have a booster though so as soon as we get a plug we will be able to get stateside music. We got Bing Crosby for a while and we heard the play “Captain Horatio Hornblower” on some radio program.
Hon, I sure am having a hard time in this stinking company. I had two arguments today. One with the motor Sergeant and one with a cook. They don’t feed us. It seems that they can’t get enough rations. I am back down to 185 lbs. Losing that tire. I hope by now that you have gotten smaller. I don’t know what to think hon, I haven’t heard a word yet. I know you must have had the baby though. I guess I’ll hear about it any day now. I sure hope so.
I want you to know that we are working from 6 o’clock in the morning until 7 at night. Boy I come in so tired that I can’t stand up. The guys are really moaning. The morale is very low. Besides that the mail is not coming in regularly. I didn’t get any mail at all today I know you are writing though so I am not mad. Keep me up on the latest between Bob and Marie. Actually I don’t think they will get back together because they don’t see eye to eye. You know Bob doesn’t want to get married for a while and Marie wants to rush it up.
Tomorrow I will send you about 48 more pictures. These will be 3 x 4’s. The others were too small so I am having these enlarged. I hope they come out better.
Anne, I am afraid I am changing. I am getting old too fast. I’m grouchy and always in a bad mood. I can’t stand being away from you. I never dreamed it would be this bad honey. I know now that if I ever lost you I would lose everything that I want in life. Nothing is worth having if I can’t share it with you. It sure is going to be a happy day when I get home. Darling, I love you in more ways than one. I love you with my heart and soul. Wait hon and I will make you happy for the rest of your life. Good night Dear.
All my Love Forever & Ever